Most meetings take place according to the following schedule:
Organization | Meeting Dates/Times |
UCWLC | 1:00 p.m. - 2nd Thursday of each month or at the call of the President - Check with President or bulletin for changes |
CUMC | 7:00 p.m. - 3rd Thursday of each month or at the call of the President. Check bulletin for changes. |
Parish Council | 7:00
p.m. - 4th Thursday of each month (unless otherwise posted under Notice of Upcoming Meetings/ Activities or bulletin). No meetings during July and August unless required. |
** Note - Our church organizations do not have meetings during the months of July and August unless one is required. Check our Calendar of Events or Church Bulletins for changes.
Church Youth Club - TBA
URAH (Ukrainian Reading Association Hall) - TBA.
Parish Council Meeting - 4th Thursday of each month unless otherwise specified. Next Meeting - Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 p.m
Knights of Columbus - TBA
Moved or moving? - Please contact Myrcel (204-727-7539) to update church records!
Attention Parishioners - Doors at the church will be LOCKED for Saturday and Weekday Services unless there is a GREETER. Services will continue to be held, however, if you are attending, you will have to knock on the door or ring the doorbell to alert Father or other parishioners to open the door. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Parish contact directory - The church Parish Council is assembling a contact list of parishioners for the purpose of sending important information and notices to parishioners (e.g. emergency changes in service times, highlights of parish council meetings.). We ask parishioners to provide your contact information to Ron Boychuk at 204-728-9728. Thank you.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - to act as Church Greeter, Ushers and Sacristans. We would like more volunteers to include on our schedule. Contact Fr. Yaroslav if you can help.
PARISH PRAZNYK DINNER- Sunday, September 08 after 2:00 p.m. Liturgy.
Fall Suppers - Sunday, September 29 - UCWLC Fall Supper - SOLD OUT!
Sunday, October 20 - CUMC Fall Supper - contact a club member for tickets
Perogies and Borscht for Sale - The UCWLC has some perogies and borscht for sale. $7/dozen (perogies); $10/jar (borscht). Contact Malveen at (204) 727-5049 to order. Limited quantities left!
CATECHISM - Contact Malveen Austin (204) 727-5049 or Fr. Yaroslav (204) 727-2233 to register your child for the FALL. Classes have ended for the 2023-2024 year. Catechsim classes for the 2024-2025 year should resume in the Fall.
CHOIR PRACTICE (at the church) - TBA
PARISHIONERS' DROP-IN CENTRE (URAH): Closed for the season! See you in the Fall!
Check recent calendar
for updates or click on PARISH EVENTS or EVENT CALENDAR from menu on left.
Other monthly calendars:
August 24 - September 21, 2024
This page was last
updated September 06, 2024
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St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church.